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Privacy Policy

World Liquor Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") regarding the handling of user's personal information in the services provided on this website (hereinafter referred to as "this service").

1. Personal Information

In this Policy "Personal information" refers to "personal information" as de ined by the Personal Information Protection Act. It is information about a living individual that can identify a speci ic individual by the description of the information containing the individual's name, date of birth, address, phone number, contact information, and other similar information. It also refers to information (personal identi ication information) that can identify a speci ic individual from data related to appearance,  ingerprints, voice prints, and health insurance card numbers, etc.

2. Method of Collection of Personal Information

The Company may ask for personal information such as name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, bank account number, credit card number, driver's license number, etc. for the purpose of providing services. The Company may also collect transaction records and settlement information containing user's personal information made between the user and our partners from our partners (including information providers, advertisers, and ad distributors, etc. referred to as "partners"). This site uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool by Google. This Google Analytics uses cookies for data collection. This data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. You can refuse collection by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings. For details about this Policy, please refer to the Google Analytics Service Terms of Use and Google Policy & Terms pages.

3. Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

The purpose of the Company collecting and using personal information is as follows:
  1. To provide and operate our services
  2. To respond to inquiries from users (including identity veri ication)
  3. To send emails about new features, updates, campaigns, etc. of the services that the user is using and other services that the Company provides
  4. To communicate as needed, such as maintenance, important notices, etc.
  5. To identify users who violate the terms of use or attempt to use the service for fraudulent or improper purposes, and to refuse use
  6. To allow users to view, change, delete their own registration information and view their usage status
  7. To charge users for paid services
  8. For purposes incidental to the above usage purposes

4. Change of Purpose of Use

The Company may change the purpose of use of personal information only when it is reasonably recognized that the purpose of use is related to the one before the change. If the purpose of use is changed, the Company will notify users by our prescribed method or post it on this website.

5. Third Party Provision of Personal Information

The Company may outsource part of the personal information processing. In this case, The Company will enter into necessary contracts with the outsourcing party and provide appropriate management and supervision.
Except as provided below, the Company will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the user, unless permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws.
  1. When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is dif icult to obtain the individual's consent
  2. II. When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound development of children and it is dif icult to obtain the individual's consent
  3. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution or a local public body or a person entrusted by them in performing the affairs stipulated by laws, and there is a risk that obtaining the individual's consent would hinder the performance of these affairs
  4. When the Company have noti ied or announced in advance the following items and have reported to the Personal Information Protection Commission:
    1. The purpose of use includes provision to third parties
    2. The categories of data to be provided to third parties
    3. The means or methods of providing to third parties
    4. The provision of personal information to the third party is to be terminated by the request from the said person.
  5. The method of accepting requests from individuals
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the following cases, the recipient of the information is not considered a third party.
  1. When the Company outsources all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of us.
  2. When personal information is provided in association with the succession of business due to merger or other reasons
  3. When personal information is jointly used with a speci ic party and the Company have noti ied the individual in advance or put the individual in a state where they can easily know about the fact of joint use, the categories of personal information to be jointly used, the scope of joint users, the purpose of use by the users, and the name or title of the person responsible for the management of the personal information.

6. Disclosure of Personal Information

The Company will disclose personal information to the individual who requests it without delay. However, the Company may not disclose all or part of it if disclosure falls under any of the following categories. If the Company decides not to disclose, the Company will promptly notify the individual.
  1. If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
  2. If there is a risk of signi icantly hindering the proper implementation of our business
  3. If it would violate other laws
Despite the provisions of the previous paragraph, the Company will not disclose information that is not personal information, such as history and characteristics, as a general rule.

7. Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

Users can request corrections, additions or deletions (hereinafter referred to as "corrections, etc.") to their personal information held by us, if it is erroneous, through the procedures established by us.
If the Company determines that it is necessary to respond to the request from the user, the Company will correct such personal information without delay.
If the Company has made a correction in accordance with the preceding paragraph, or decided not to make a correction, the Company will promptly notify the user.

8. Suspension of Use of Personal Information, etc.

When a request is received from the individual to suspend or erase (hereinafter referred to as "suspension of use, etc.") their personal information on the grounds that it is being handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use, or that it was acquired by wrongful means, the Company will conduct the necessary investigation without delay.
Based on the results of the investigation in the preceding paragraph, if it is judged necessary to comply with the request, the suspension of use, etc. of the relevant personal information will be carried out without delay.
The Company will promptly notify the user if the Company has suspended use in accordance with the preceding paragraph or decided not to suspend use.
Notwithstanding the previous two paragraphs, if suspending use, etc. entails substantial expenses or other dif iculties, and if alternative measures can be taken to protect the rights and interests of the user, the Company will implement these alternative measures.

Article 9. Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Company may change the contents of this policy without notifying users, except for matters separately stipulated by law or in this policy.
Unless otherwise speci ied by us, the revised privacy policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this website.

10. Inquiries

For inquiries about this policy, please contact the following:
Address: 2966-40 Akaren, Kikai Town, Oshima District, Kagoshima Prefecture
Company Name: World Liquor Corporation
Email Address: